Shipping Info

How are items packaged?

Domestic (Within India) Orders are carefully packaged with Tamper Proof Courier Bags to avoid any form of damage.

International Orders are carefully packaged with Tamper Proof Courier Bags& Corrugated Boxes to avoid any form of damage.

What are the shipping charges?

Malkin Vastradalan provides FREE delivery on most items in India. Some items may have a shipping charge depending on the nature of the product. For international orders, the shipping charges are different for different items and are mentioned clearly on the product page. Also, Prices may be different for different countries.

Additional shipping charges will be applied if the delivery location comes under a rural/remote area

What is the estimated delivery time?

In order to give the best fitting and Perfection most of our models are made on order with user confirmation about measurement hence the estimated time of delivery is within 15- 20 working days. All orders get shipped within 10 days from our Units.

However, in case of any urgent requirement for timebound functions like birthday, Marriage etc, you may contact us on WhatsApp (9356366346) or Mail ( with your expected delivery date. Most of the time we could do it by aligning our production plan. Please feel free to get in touch with us.

How will the delivery be done?

1. We try to process all deliveries through reputed courier companies like Bluedart, DHL, DTDC, Franchexpress, and ST Courier. In some cases where the Pincode/Zipcode is not serviceable by these courier companies, we use Indian Speed Post for those deliveries.

2. If there is no courier service available in your area, we will get in touch with you and try to work out a convenient alternate delivery location that is serviced by our courier partners

Do you deliver internationally?

Malkin Vastradalan does international delivery. You are more than welcome to make your purchases on our site from anywhere in the world. We use DHL Express, UPS Service to deliver your shipments safely and timely to you.

Some countries have import restrictions on certain products or materials. The customer is responsible for checking with the local customs authorities before placing an order for international delivery.  Malkin Vastradalan will not be held responsible for any delay or failure in the product reaching you due to any customs, legal or regulatory restrictions. We may at our discretion, refuse to process an order for any product if we believe that the delivery may be subject to any restrictions in the destination country.

How can I track the delivery of my order?

All items are delivered through reputed courier partners who will provide you with a Tracking ID for your order by which you can track your delivery on the respective websites of our courier partners. We email or WhatsApp you the tracking number after we dispatch your order. You can also see the tracking number in your order history panel in your account when you login.

Who would be responsible for paying local taxes in countries outside of India?

Customs duty & other international taxes etc. if applicable will have to be borne by the customer according to the laws of the land.